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Old Alleynians RFC

W 22 - 56

London Welsh RFC

Match Report Old Alleynians vs London Welsh (28/09/24)

On a sunny afternoon Old Alleynians kicked off, with Welsh gaining possession and applying pressure through thrusts followed by rucks where the ball was being distributed outwards at high speed. A couple of Welsh lineouts later (one of which Old Alleyns stole from the Welsh throw-in), and continued pressure earned a try for Byron Leach on the right-hand side of the pitch. Matt Hodgson converted with a magnificent curling kick which went through the middle of the posts. Score 0 – 7

From the Old Alleyns restart they gained possession and then gained a penalty on the Welsh 22. The penalty kick to touch resulted in a lineout very near the Welsh line and the maul which developed inexorably rolled over the Welsh try line for Old Alleyns first score. Not converted. Score 5 – 7

Welsh collected the ball from the restart, and they resumed their attack in the Old Alleyns half with fast rucks and some fluid passing back and forth across the field. The scrums that had taken place up to now had had to be reset every time to meet the referee’s expectations, and a scrum collapse on the Old Alleyns side gave Welsh a penalty. The lineout which was the result of the kick to touch was again stolen by Old Alleyns to temporarily relieve the pressure on them. Welsh regained possession from a kick upfield, and as a result of the pressure put on Old Alleyns Welsh gained another penalty. This time the sequence of kick to touch, lineout and rolling maul went as planned and ended with Will McKenna appearing out of the side and crossing the tryline unopposed. Converted by Matt Hodgson. Score 5 – 14

Welsh collected the ball from the restart and the threequarters started a promising run down the right touch line, only to fail by the ball being knocked on. Old Alleyns won the scrum on the Welsh 10-yard line and there ensued a period of pressure by them in the Welsh half. This ended with Welsh awarded a penalty which moved play into the Old Alleyns half. Excellent passing by the Welsh nearly released Harri Lang for a try on the wing, and Welsh kept up the pressure in the Old Alleyns 22-yard area. Welsh were awarded three consecutive penalties in the Old Alleyns 22, all of which they ran; finally, Welsh produced enough of an overlap for Matt Hodgson to cross for a try under the posts. Converted by Matt. Score 5 – 21

From the restart Welsh gained possession and Sam Roberts, the new-to-the-club wing, and Lima Savaiinaea escaped down the left wing; the Old Alleyns defensive cover worked very well and Welsh lost possession by having a penalty given against them for not releasing after a tackle. After the penalty and subsequent line-out Welsh regained possession and maintained the pressure in the Old Alleyns half; from a quickly taken penalty by Welsh, Andy Black broke through and nearly at the try line offloaded to Rhydian George who scored under the posts. Converted by Matt Hodgson. Score 5 – 28

From the restart Old Alleyns gained possession and launched a sustained series of attacks in the Welsh half. Tom Douglas was shown the yellow card for a deliberate knock-on so for the last few minutes Welsh were down to fourteen players. The pressure on Welsh was eventually eased when Old Alleyns suffered a penalty for not releasing in a ruck. There was only time for the lineout which followed the kick to touch, and the ball was put back into touch for the end of the first half.

Welsh restarted the second half and having gained possession spent the next five or so minutes besieging Old Alleyns in their half; they retained possession for the whole time and were rewarded by Matt Hodgson worming his way right through the defence to score under the posts. He duly converted the try. Score 5 – 35

From the restart Old Alleyns gained possession and enjoyed a good period exerting pressure on the Welsh, eventually being awarded a penalty for offside. Matters progressed ideally for Old Alleyns; kick to touch, lineout and rolling maul forcing Welsh back over their own try line and a try for the home team. Not converted. Score 10 – 35

Welsh restarted but possession went to Old Alleyns, and they worked their way into the Welsh half. A penalty to the Welsh briefly gave them back possession until a turnover in a ruck set Old Alleyns in attack again. Even a scrum to the Welsh for a knock-on failed to relieve the pressure on them, Old Alleyns pressurising in the Welsh half. When a scrum was awarded, the Welsh subs came on, Matt Hodgson, Tom Douglas and Garin Lloyd coming off. (Tom Douglas returned to the team when Ben Davies had to come off very soon after.) Welsh pushed Old Alleyns off their own scrum to set up a thrilling attack by the backs down the left wing, but once again Old Alleyns cover saved the day for them only a couple of yards short of their line. Welsh were awarded a penalty which they followed through on in the time-honoured fashion, kick to touch, lineout, rolling maul pushed over for a try. No idea who emerged from the pile of players as the scorer. Converted by Steve Shingler. Score 10 – 42

From the restart Old Alleyns gained possession and having been awarded a penalty in the Welsh half it was their turn to follow the well-trodden path of kick to touch, lineout, rolling maul, ruck in front of try line and over for a try. Converted. Score 17 – 42

Welsh restarted and gained possession, starting another attack in the Old Alleyns half. Having been awarded a penalty, Welsh won their ensuing lineout, and the ball was moved across the pitch for Dafydd Manley to cross for a try. Converted by Steve Shingler. Score 17 – 49

From the restart Welsh gathered the ball and played exhibition rugby for the next few minutes, with long passes and accurate offloads eventually giving Steve Shingler a try under the posts. Converted his own try. Score 17 – 56

From the restart Welsh lost possession in their own half, and Old Alleyns attacked to within five yards of the try line, Welsh then giving away a penalty. Old Alleyns followed the usual routine this near the opposition try line; kick to touch, lineout, rolling maul over the try line for a try. Not converted. Score 22 – 56

This signalled the end of the match. Old Alleyns had given Welsh a good game with competent forwards and try-saving cover by their backs against what looked more than once to be a certain try by the Welsh backs.

The team: 1 -Sam Johnson, 2 -Garin Lloyd, 3 -Will McKenna, 4 – Tom Douglas, 5 – Byron Leach, 6 -Ben Davies, 7 – Rhydian George, 8 -Andy Black, 9 – Adam Nixon, 10 -Matt Hodgson, 11 -Harri Lang, 12 -Steve Shingler, 13 -Lima Savaiinaea, 14 -Sam Roberts, 15 -Osian McAvoy

 Substitutes – Chay Bailey, Rohan Pixley, Dafydd Manley.

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