London Welsh
Rugby Football Club
The Rugby Club Magazine and the Rugby Paper

London Welsh
9 Jan 2025
London Welsh Hit the Media People
London Welsh is appearing more and more in the media spotlight, and as the saying goes, all publicity is good publicity.
The Rugby Club Magazine
The Rugby Club Magazine issue 99 contains a fantastic 12 page spread this month, it covers a Chairmans insight into what makes the club great from his perspective as well as including articles from across the London Welsh community to give an insight into the the successes and challenges of keeping our great club so special.
With pages full of the great Gareth Williams photos this is a must read for anyone interested in our story.
For anyone that wants to read the magazine online the link is here
If you want a hard copy then please fill in this form
They are £8.95 plus postage unless you pick up from the Club.
They really are a collectible piece worth having to not only enjoy now but to look back on at this point in our history for players and supporters alike.
The Rugby Paper
The Rugby Paper also runs a feature on the club this week with an interview with none other than our own Pete Lowe, Sharing some memories of his time at London Welsh through both the professional and the amateur eras at the club.
The Rugby Paper is available in most newsagents.